Buying a new or used car

The most suspicious or the most maniacal swear by new cars. The others believe that used vehicles are more attractive financially. Buying a new or used car ? We have all asked ourselves this question one day.

The clincher of the used car pros is as follows. From the moment you buy a new vehicle, it immediately loses a significant part of its value . Getting behind the wheel of a car that smells good of new plastics therefore has a significant cost compared to a second-hand one. On this point, it is difficult to prove them wrong.

Tax by weight, ecological penalty, price of the tax horse…

From an economic point of view, the price of the gray card can also vary from simple to fivefold. Even more, on very powerful models. Indeed, the ecological penalty and the weight tax is only due on cars registered for the first time in France . If you want to buy a very large engine, there may be a difference of several thousand euros (or even tens!) between the price of the “new” and “used” registration document. This is what closes the debate new or used vehicle ? Not so fast…

In return, the new car offers all the guarantees as to its proper functioning. You have a solid manufacturer’s warranty . And by definition a new car is supposed to experience fewer mechanical or electronic glitches than an old model. When you buy a used car, it’s like a goodie bag. You never know what’s really inside. Did the previous owner really receive a company vehicle, as he claims? Or is he trying to get rid of a “problem car”? This is one of the reasons why the question of new or used car is decided by the acquisition of a brand new model.

Should you buy a new or used car? Pay attention to restricted traffic areas

Some very old vehicles are already excluded from the city centers of large conurbations such as Paris (Monday to Friday). These provisions have been extended for some years. This could make purchasers of a second-hand vehicle that is too old regret the purchase of buyers who are unaware of ZCR news .

The recent second-hand car with warranty, the right compromise?

By buying your car from a second-hand professional, you most often benefit from a warranty . It will protect you from major glitches for a year, 6 months, etc. It is in a way a good compromise between security and purchase price . But despite all the arguments we can give you, there will always be those who are convinced. Those who only buy new or second-hand cars. Is it better to buy a new or used car? You decide !

New or used electric vehicle: the issue of batteries

The problem of new or used cars is changing with the surge of electric vehicles on the market. This kind of train adds an element to take into consideration, namely the battery. It’s an open secret that batteries are the weak point of electric cars. Their effectiveness diminishes over time, and their replacement is expensive. Choosing a new or used car is all the more tricky when you want to buy a 100% electric car!

New car versus used car comparison

Here is a small table to quickly identify the advantages and disadvantages of a used or new car. Of course, this is a general assessment to be weighted. For example, buying a new car or a recent second-hand one will attenuate the differences between the 2.

FAQ buying used or new car

I want to buy a very recent second-hand car (like less than a year old) in order to pay less while benefiting from the manufacturer’s warranty, is it possible to benefit from it as a second owner?

Yes. Even if some try to make believe that the manufacturer’s warranty can only be invoked by the buyer of a new vehicle, it is false. The warranty covers the property in question, regardless of its owner. The Cass / Civ. February 6, 2013 – appeal no. 11-25864 of the Court of Cassation decided so.

The weight tax weighs on a used or new car?

Only the first registrations are subject to the weight tax (like the ecological penalty). It therefore concerns new vehicles, but also imported second-hand vehicles.

By admin

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